
The passion of christ movie for kids
The passion of christ movie for kids

the passion of christ movie for kids

For those who do decide to show the film to young people, the following resources offer ideas for preparing the youth to see the film and for helping them debrief and make the most of the experience afterwards."What's a Youth Worker to Do with The Passion?" an article written by Doug Clark and provided by Youth Specialties Resources for Parents Who Want to View The Passion of the Christ With Their Teenage Children by Robert Feduccia Graphic Images of Christ's Passion in Art an article by Eileen Daily

the passion of christ movie for kids

The following links may provide some guidance for youth leaders in making that decision. Many youth leaders see the movie as an opportunity to evangelize youth, yet others are hesitant to take youth to see the film. This may be too much for some people to deal with, especially younger people. Another concern is realistic depiction of the horrible cruelity or bloody violence Jesus suffered.Who Killed Jesus? an article by Jon Meacham provided by MSNBCīishops' Committee Issues Collection of Documents on `The Bible, The Jews, and The Death of Jesus' provided by USCCB One debate that has ensued is the film's depiction of the responsibility of the Jews in Jesus' crucifixion. Controversy has surrounded this film, even before its release.The resources also offer some ideas for follow-up with the young people after seeing the movie. The following resources are designed to help youth group leaders decide whether to allow a youth group to see the movie and to give young people some things to think about before seeing it. Youth group leaders should also find out whether their diocese requires permission forms for this kind of movie. Because of the movie's R rating and its graphic depiction of Christ's crucifixion, youth group leaders should exercise caution when deciding whether to use this film with young people. Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ opened in movie theaters across the country on February 25, 2004, on Ash Wednesday and is now available on DVD.

The passion of christ movie for kids